If Marshal were a purebred, or a show dog, the above would be his pose. But the pincher collar would be in the right place (it slides down his neck every time he shakes his head but I'm afraid of making it too tight), or not on at all, and his back left foot would be included in the photo.
This Crew is made of such good dogs--I am so proud of them.
And yet they are naughty, too.
Last night Paisle caught her first rabbit. She had some help from the fence, but nonetheless, Paisle 1, Rabbits 0. Now, catching a rabbit is a perfectly normal dog instinct..I just hate seeing animals of any kind in pain. I dread what this will mean when it snows, and they're so much easier to spot...
Marshal managed some zoomies this morning. We'd just returned from the above walk, and I was moving the sprinkler in the back yard. Apparently I didn't close the house door completely (Ansel and Paisle were with me in the yard), and out comes Big Boy. At first, he just stretched, yawned, and rolled over for a good back runb in the grass. However. As I approached him, he flung himself to his left and ZOOM! Off he went, making the circuit of the yard...hairpin turn like a barrel riding quarter horse and back around the other direction! He slowed down a bit on his third lap, dancing a bit to show off, and for whatever reason, decided to come to me. Good boy!! BAD OWNER!! I really hope this does not set back all the careful rest we've forced on him.
Ansel has not done anything naughty recently, other than continual destruction of the tray in his crate. Sigh. The goofy dog has been so good, for so long that I have no heart to do anything but let him dig as he sees fit in his crate, and just replace the tray. Again.
1 comment:
What a handsome bunch of dogs!!! I love hearing about their adventures. Marshal is looking so good!
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