Thursday, September 18, 2008

Crate Rest Day 6

Hi Eve,
Here we are trying to desensitize Marshal to the very scary tape measure. Rehab wanted to measure the circumference of both his 'thighs' but M would not have any of it. So this flashy orange thing has been keeping him company wherever we've gone--on walks I wear it around my neck like a seamstress.
Correction from Tuesday--there is no difference between the vet's scale, and the University's scale. Marshal really does weigh 66 lbs. We went to the vet this morning, to pick up his radiographs, to bring to the U so rehab can view them. I brought M along, not only to get him out of the crate but for the mental stimulation and of course the hand outs from the vet techs. And at the vet, we used the scale--66 lbs. just like the Unversity's scale.

I also picked up the x-rays taken when the fracture happened (from our rescue group), so rehab can look at all of them. Turns out there are rads from April 30th, and ALSO from June 2nd! Who knew! There was a note with the 6/2 rads, saying, "It was very difficult to get flat views as Biff (his name at the time) was very resistence [sic] to handling of the leg. The femur is foreshortened on the rad. If you want better views send him back w/sedatives."
Poor little thing! Here are his weights, over time:
Apr 30 - 24.3 lbs
Jun 02 - 30 lbs
Jul 08 - 46 lbs
Aug 23 - 56.5 lbs
Sep 05 - 62 lbs
Sep 16 - 66 lbs
I don't know much about reading rads. I have never broken a bone, nor have any of our previous dogs. But the rads showing the break back on 4/30 are really graphic. I'll post photos of them, if I can figure out how. The bone is literally in two pieces, sharp jags at each end.
The rads from 6/2 are not as clear--no surprise given the quote above--but rehab tried to show me where the callous was visible. I am curious to see what the vet says when he sees all of these.
Rehab session #1 went well. Marshal was much more comfortable in the room, with the techs, and on the treadmill. We still only did 15 minutes in the 17 inches of water. No attempt to use the blow dryer on him, because I let them know we've not made any progress with getting used to dryer at home. We did measure his thighs though--the right 'thigh' is 1 inch less than the left, in circumference. They prefer metric measurements (converting is such a pain), so I need to start carrying around one of my other measuring tapes.
We also received home exercises to do: support his back end; raise his LEFT foot for 5 seconds at a time, forcing him to stand on his right foot. Do this 5 times, 3 times per day.
I hope we do more than 15 min. on the treadmill on Saturday--Marshal was very bouncy when we reached home, so I am thinking he needs more exercise....

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