Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Adding Marshal to the Crew

Dear Everett,
Your suspicions are confirmed. I have adopted that Masked Man, formerly known as Gopher. His new and forever name is Marshal...though most of the time I call him Big Boy. This picture does not show it very well, but he is bigger than Ansel. How much more will he grow? Who knows, but we hope he becomes a good size, maybe even your size?
We are going to the vet on Friday, to have his leg reviewed. When he gets too much exercise, he won't use the back right leg at all, poor thing. I think this is the leg he broke (and hence the reason he was surrendered).
More later, but boy talk about a Lover, not a Fighter! He has learned, from the Bean, that my lap is a really great place to be, and even at his current size he still climbs into it when he can. Oh he is just so precious (funny word for such a large dog!). Ansel continues to tolerate him, and on the supervised times they've been out together, they have even attempted to play. The goofy dog is still working on his playing skills--Paisle helps him with that--but it is so cute to see the boys do the doggy bows, and chase each other around....

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