We did a lot of things today! This morning, in our 6:00am walk, I took more photos. As you can see, it is much lighter outside. We had a nice walk. Later in the morning, we went to rehab!
Marshal really likes the folks in rehab. We demonstrated how we've done Marshal's leg lifts, and received more pointers on how to make them more effective. Next, we checked out our new challenge--Cavaletti!
These cavaletti poles are 7" off the ground, and 15" apart. As you can see, there are four here, but when we set ours up, we'll have between six and ten rails. The purpose of walking him through cavaletti poles is to increase awareness of all four feet, force him to raise his right back leg higher to clear the pole, and a small amount of muscle conditioning. His task is to walk through these poles, putting one foot down in each section, like this:
We did 15 minutes in 17 inches of water again, but today the front of the ramp was elevated to create an incline. Again, I neglected to pay attention to his maximum speed, but he is clearly more comfortable in the tank. Sure he still cheats, by resting his front paws on the stationary rim of the floor, but his walking motion seemed much more relaxed, and he barely needed any treats to keep him in constant motion. And now the tank is draining...
Good job, Marshal! He is hosed off and gently dried. We used the dryer again with much encouragement and a few treats. His attitude towards the dryer has plenty of room for improvement, so we'll continue our work with the hair dryer at home.
None of their wonderful items are shown, in case there are birthday presents pending for any of our furry friends...
And finally, after sampling some of the fun fare at the market, including some really great Brau Brothers beer, we headed home. I mowed the lawn. Marshal slept. Our next task--build our own cavaletti! Wish me luck, Little Girl!
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