Monday, September 29, 2008

CR Day 17 - Life Gets In The Way

Dear Everett,
Sometimes the day just gets away from me. Today, I never went in to the office. I ate really bad food, all day. I shooed Ansel and Paisle outside as the weather cleared, and asked them to stay out there. Good thing the rain overnight was light--the doggie bed I left outside last night dried in no time (I washed the denim cover). The dogs were agreeable most of the day--Marshal didn't really start expressing any frustration until late afternoon/early evening. Other than some light cleaning, and one load of laundrey before day break, I did not get anything done today. And yet, I am exhausted.
It's days like today, where I wonder how anyone has the energy to get out of bed. Do dogs ever have days like that? It was effort this morning, to get Marshal to go outside, but I think he hides in his crate only because he doesn't like the pincher collar. He's grown since I first put it on him--I added another link in case it was just too tight but his behavior does not indicate the collar is any more comfortable.
The weather is supposed to be really nice for the rest of the week, though a bit cooler than we've seen so far this fall. The dogs are clearly filling in their winter coats. Marshal exhibits this nicely in the above photo. The distinct patches of lighter color he has on both shoulders (like shoulder pads) are completely hidden now, as his undercoat becomes more and more dense. I wonder if the patches will return when springs comes, or if they are gone for good....

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