Thursday, March 20, 2008


Another rough night, but I am taking it in stride as per usual, for Everett's recovery from treatment. I awoke to hear her wimpering, about 1:30am. She was on her bed, but seemed to be trying to rise...I got down on the floor to help her, but soon realized her back right leg was not behaving. It was doing spastic movements which she could not control--as though she were kicking something unseen. She was so freaked out she tried to chew on her foot as though that would help her gain control and stop the leg jerks. I heaved her to her feet and we went outside. Even in walking her leg would jerk uncontrollably, like a horse kicking at something behind it.
I spent the rest of the night on the floor with her. Initially I held on to her foot, so her leg wouldn't jerk to extension, and after a bit the frequency of the spasms seemed to lessen. I stretched out on her bed with my back to my bedframe, wrapped myself in what I could reach of her down comforter, and she put her head down while keeping a careful eye on me. I'm not sure if holding her foot finally allowed her to gain control of her leg, but the spasms subsided and she went to sleep.
She's been very quiet today, and she ate both breakfast and dinner, so after a short walk outside, I am looking forward to sleeping in my own bed tonight.

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