Monday, March 24, 2008

Continued Recovery!

Everett continues to improve. What is my measuring stick? Well, her activity level has increased, as has her relentless pestering....

Are we going out yet? Are we going out now? You are putting on your boots because we're going out now? NOW? Are you sure? I must run back and forth between you and the garage door, NOT the back door but the GARAGE door, because the GARAGE door means we are going out to the street. Can you put your boots on faster? If I stick my head in your way, and push you with my muzzle, and bark at Ansel (who is whining in the background), and be a general pain in the ass will you move faster? Are we going out now? NOW? Are you sure? Do you have my leash? Can I help you retrieve it from the closet? If I run up and down the garage steps will you move faster? I'll sit if you PROMISE we are going out now--you mean I'm supposed to stay sitting? Here--I'm supposed to sit here? Wait, are you sure it isn't THERE? Oh, I'm supposed to SIT here, sit HERE? Are we going now? Now? Are we going?

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