Sunday, February 24, 2008

Jawrub, Anyone?

Everett was stiff and cautious in her moves this morning, so I thought a day of rest was in order. No excitement, very little playing, but several hours of sleeping in the sun. It was well above freezing this afternoon, and I put two dog beds out on the patio. Both Ansel and Everett, each in their own space, spent the day lounging there, watching the neighborhood and snoozing.

I saw little Eve do something new today. This evening, with her hind foot, she was gently rubbing her left jaw, and then inspecting said foot. I've seen both dogs do this before with their ears--Ansel especially when he had his ear infection. It seemed to be so pleasureable for him, as he'd groan the way you or I would at the start of a good backrub. Not a sound from Eve as she rubbed her jaw, but at least it did not seem to hurt her.

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