Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Goofy Eyes, Post Radiation

Another sign of spring! I am not sure if this is a crocus or not (we didn't live here last spring), but what else would be coming up so early? Located on the south side of the house, whatever this is has a sheltered home, evidenced by the lack of snow. All of the rest of the yard still has its snow pack.
Eve is home from today's zapping. Radiation only--vaccine/radiation combo will be next week. She appears to be feeling okay--she lead me on a nice little trot around the campus before we hopped into the car--she needed help climbing onto the floor of the backseat. In case I have not already mentioned this, she's climbing into an SUV, so even Ansel jumps to the floor, before he climbs onto the seat.
The dreaded x-rays (radiographs is what the detailed comments call them) were taken, and apparently show no bone lesions, but did show arthritis in both hips (left is worse than right). The A word is no surprise since she's had it in her shoulder for years (2003). What is so puzzling, then, is what was so painful last week. To quote the detailed comments exactly, "I am not certain why Everett had episode of weakness last week. Our hope is that this will not happen again." Amen, sister!
The tumor is not grey in color, but is certainly very smelly. The grey would be good news, as it represents the top layer of cells dying. Measurements today are 2cm x 1.5 x .5, which is almost identical to last week (2.3 x 1.2 x .4), but this is the first time since her surgery Jan. 15th that it has not increased in size. GREAT NEWS!! Let's hope it keeps shrinking.
So she is splattered on the floor, resting. Her eyes are closed but her expression tells me she isn't really sleeping--just covering her goofy eyes until I get up and leave the room, at which point she will then open her goofy eyes, to watch for my return. Her anesthesia cocktail was changed yet again, in the hopes that she will fully recover faster. She did eat at the hospital--I have not yet offered her food. Second week in a row of no pedicure--I guess her nails growth has slowed as she has aged. ;-)

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