Monday, December 1, 2008

First Day of Advent

Dear Everett,
Here we are, December first, and I have not completed my Thanksgiving entry.

I bought a new camera Eve. I need to teach myself how to use it. I brought it to Nina's farm, hoping for some wonderful pictures of the kids, of the feast, of the farm. I took over 300 photos, but because I really have no idea how to use the camera, almost all of them are blurred, missing the image from the frame (i.e. dog tail but no dog), or completely dark because no flash went off in the selected setting.

And yet I am so grateful in this economy, to be able to even purchase the camera in the first place. There are so many who are doing without--jobs, incomes, capital for payment, regular meals. The pups and I--we're doing all right.

So though my challenge remains between the seat and the keyboard, I remain hopeful that the treasured equipment will justify itself in my hands, and lots of insightful, challenging, fun photos are in our future.

I would download some now, for this post, but I've placed them all on my external hard drive. You'll have to wait until tomorrow, Eve, to see some of my new photos here.

On this first day of Advent, behind the virtual door of my virtual calendar, I see giving thanks, for my camera and all the opportunity it represents.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Ooh, ooh, what did you get??? You have me all curious! ;)