Bailey arrived Thursday night. She rides so nicely in the car that on the trip home, I forgot she was sitting in the back seat.
Thursday night I kept the house divided, and gave Bailey a chance to explore the new house on her own, without too much exposure to the live animals that created all the smells, chewed on all the toys, slept in all the beds throughout the house. The first time they were all in the same room, was when we went to bed, where even the bedroom was divided. Bailey has her kennel with its nice fluffy bed in it (which she doesn't chew), and I put a babygate in front of the kennel (the other sides are not reachable because of the room arrangement), and a chair in front of the gate to give her even more 'space'. She didn't make a single sound throughout the night.
Friday morning, Big Boy met Bailey, and the two had a blast chasing each other around the yard. It wasn't until Saturday, however, that I learned Bailey is a magnificent jumper. There are 13 steps to my basement, and while we played an indoor game of rope (and she won consistently) she cleared the stairs in two bounds. I wish I had a split level home with a landing between sets of six steps, because it would be really awesome to see her fly up and down the stairs, without actually touching any of the steps!
In case anyone is having a hard time telling the difference between the brindle girlfriends, Bailey is wearing the black collar--Paisle is collarless. Paisle is not in any of the photos in this post. Bailey also has the most interesting dark markings on her back, visible here.
Besides all the playtime outside, Bailey and I also went to Chuck & Don's, for some socializing (and an excuse to get out of the house). Again, she was very good in the car, but as soon as we went inside, she started to shake and shake. Heavy panting soon appeared, so we just stayed on the entry rug (it was a slow day at the food store), while the employees lured her with grain free treats and lots of encouragement. We tried to not make a big deal out of her nervousness, but instead praised her for anything she did--sit, wag her tail, eye contact, etc. Every person who met her commented on her beautiful coloring.
I had my camera with me, but I brought the wrong lens so was not able to take any photos of Bailey or the dogs she met there. There was a Wiemeraner (female), a really large Golden Retriever (male), and one small mixed breed (Westie size--female), and she did very well with each of them. Given how well she's been playing with Big Boy, maybe Bailey needs a forever home that has another dog?
We've done very little in the way of training, other than very basic manners: sit, eye contact, and down. She is only with us for a very short time, and I thought it more important to give her time to settle in and gain confidence in a new setting. She is so nice! She's a polite licker--doesn't take off skin like Paisle, nor is she slobbery. It seems her biggest desire is to just be near you, wherever you are. She does not shove past you to get to the door, nor weave underfoot during meal preparation. Maybe her polite manners are still indicative of being unsure of her surroundings, and her naughty, playful side would emerge over time. Here's hoping!
1 comment:
Oh my gosh Paige, this post just MADE MY DAY!!!! What a thorough update on how our Bailey Rae is doing. And how AWESOME of you to take her to Chuck and Don's too, in addition to having playtime with your crew. WOW. =) That is just so great. It sounds like she has done splendidly and all my worry was for naught (like we figured, right?!).
YAY Paige and family and YAY Bailey for handling this change with such ease. =)
Yes, she is a bunny and very graceful about it most of the time. Not surprised at all to hear she got over the bunny fences.
See you tomorrow or Tuesday a.m., though I'm hoping for tomorrow because I have missed that girl so much!!! ;)
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