Sunday, April 6, 2008

Radiation--the new dental floss

Very wet day, today.
I was able to get out with the poodles while it was spitting, but not really raining yet. It is really hard to see, but Everett has a stick between her feet. She was chewing it just a few seconds prior to this photo, when something in the neighbor's yard caught her attention. I brought Everett with me in the car today. She was nervous, as always, with the pending storm. Panting, she tried to climb into the front seat (she's never allowed in front), and I had a good view of the tumor area.

No doubt about it--radiation is good for getting rid of tartar. Her tooth at the surgery area is completely clean--what's left of it anyway. And as her infection is retreating, so is the material holding in said tooth. The entire root is completely exposed. Her tooth looks like it will go to the tooth fairy any minute, and I am just amazed that she continues to eat chewy food, AND chew on sticks!!

What used to look like a separation in the sewn tissue now looks like the parting of the Red Sea. To my untrained eye, there appears to be no evidence the two pieces used to be together. And it looks like another small growth is starting forward two teeth--if you look at the photo a few days ago you can see it. It's tiny, sesame seed size, and an ugly color. On a more positive note, besides that small seed, the fissure in the gum looks like healthy tissue; it is not an angry red nor puffy nor weepy.

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