When the time comes, I will miss my friend.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Difficult Morning
When the time comes, I will miss my friend.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Difficult Day
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Tax Day is...Taxing
Wow was it windy today! She did not stay outside for long periods, which is probably a good thing as several branches came down in the yard--one of them right into their dog beds. On the bright side, that's good news! More stick for play. On the other hand, good news the beds were empty and no one was injured.
Everett has started dragging her back left paw. Perhaps she's been doing it a while and with the snow or frozen ground, I just didn't notice. But now you can hear the scrape of her nails on the pavement, or maybe it's the scrape of her knuckles? The hair on top of her paw does not appear to be damaged or shortened or otherwise altered, so I am hoping it's just the nails that are scraping as she trots/walks.
She has also been panting a bit, which isn't too surprising as it's much warmer outside (high of 66 today) and a black dog in the sun is...warm. I'll be honest--I have not looked in her mouth at all. I try when I see her panting, but I haven't seen the tumor area since that car trip last week.
The last two nights Everett has been very restless (relatively speaking). She's also started digging in her bed, not the destructive way Ansel does, but as though to rearrange. I tried puffing both of them for her, in case she's looking for more padding, or nesting, but when she climbed back into each of them, her digging continued. I wish she could tell me how I can help.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Where Is My Sunscreen?
When I arrived home this evening, I thought both dogs would be anxious to simply lounge outside in the warm air. Not so! Ansel was a serious pain tonight, so I took him out for a longer walk without the little girl...not minutes had passed upon our return when the whining started up yet again!
Everett chased a few rabbits today--it is such a pleasure to watch her run after the destructive (but cute) little pests. I would NEVER leave her outside overnight, but sometimes I wish she could stay outside all day and all night, to guard the garden against them. She charges into the yard after our walks, hoping to scare some into scampering. We always go straight from our walks to the south lawn, and THEN into the house, because the garage entrance to the house is too tight of a corner for two dogs looking for breakfast/dinner, yet needing a human to open the door. Instead, we spring ourselves through the garage door to the yard, like runners charging out of the starting blocks. They run their race, then head for the house door where I can let them inside in an orderly fashion. So even though Ansel had an extra walk, Everett got to chase the rabbits. Overall, a pretty good day for the little girl.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Her Sunday Best
Saturday, April 12, 2008
What is it, with the footprints!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Wet Day, Bad for Arthritis
This weather is tough on Everett. She barely moved today, and I spent more than a few hours on the floor with her. Our short walks did not show much head bobbing, which is good, but she just really didn't want to move around very much--a rarity for the little girl!!
On a positive note, she did chew on the tennis ball bone once or twice, and guarded the new rope my sister Koren sent to us. Tomorrow is to be blustery (this IS April, right?), but Sunday starts the warming trend, and I hope Everett's motivation improves as the weather dries out.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Snow Snow Snow
Other than the general unrest, Everett seems to be doing very well. She held up nicely during our morning outings--I wish I'd been able to take at least one picture of her in the yard while we played. Note to self--charge camera battery daily--it's Lithium! Tomorrow should be full of great photo opportunities, if there is enough snow to bring out the puppy in my two seniors. So, until then!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Fighting Back
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Slow, Gray Day
Everett was quiet. Not once did I see her pick up a toy. Yes, she was excited and danced around when she anticipated a walk, but all of our walks today petered out to merely a stroll, in record time. Her sleep seemed restful, but she did not eat all of her breakfast.
With a good night's rest, I anticipate her usual antics will return tomorrow.
Monday, April 7, 2008
An Evening with Everett
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Radiation--the new dental floss
No doubt about it--radiation is good for getting rid of tartar. Her tooth at the surgery area is completely clean--what's left of it anyway. And as her infection is retreating, so is the material holding in said tooth. The entire root is completely exposed. Her tooth looks like it will go to the tooth fairy any minute, and I am just amazed that she continues to eat chewy food, AND chew on sticks!!
What used to look like a separation in the sewn tissue now looks like the parting of the Red Sea. To my untrained eye, there appears to be no evidence the two pieces used to be together. And it looks like another small growth is starting forward two teeth--if you look at the photo a few days ago you can see it. It's tiny, sesame seed size, and an ugly color. On a more positive note, besides that small seed, the fissure in the gum looks like healthy tissue; it is not an angry red nor puffy nor weepy.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
A Great Night
Because she slept so late, her meds were given 13 hrs apart, instead of the prescribed 12. Even so, she seems to be responding well! I am thrilled she had a good night of sleep--happy for myself, too. :-)
There is no visible swelling left in her face, and as you can see, she's resting on the tumor side of her muzzle. What a great way to start a Saturday!
Friday, April 4, 2008
Watching the Rain
No stick today. But her face looks pretty normal, and the smell from her mouth is minimal. So all in all, a good day so far!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Dealing With It
My point is--she doesn't know anything is different from yesterday to today. Sure she was slow moving today, and yes, she was drooling blood--most likely from the poking around in her mouth yesterday. It may even be a good sign, if the drainage from the infection has improved. But give Everett the opportunity to have some fun, and she'll take it. Wouldn't it be great, if I could have the same attitude!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Bad News
Secondary bad news is the surgically altered area (where the tumor was removed Jan. 15th) has separated. Without bothering with the dog anatomy terms, her lip had been sewn to her gum area, to close the space where the tumor had grown just below the gum line. The new tumor growth, which is the first growth the oncologist at the U saw on Jan. 29, was growing out of the back side of that altered space, not up through it. The open space is so large that the doctor could see the roots of her teeth--it's possible the space is open all the way down to her jawbone, and it's infected. The smell emanating from her mouth is from the infection.
Knowing her time is so short now, we are treating the infection in her jaw with antibiotics. I know the doctor gave me at least 2 options on what next to do for that space, but for the life of me I cannot remember what they are. Not his fault--he spent far too much time with me as it was, doing his best to help me understand her options, as well as the possible outcome of each one. I just don't remember what they are....