Saturday, November 1, 2008

Too Much of a Good Thing?

Dear Eve,
Why did M squish himself into Paisle's kennel? His kennel is within nose distance of hers, and yet here he is, spilling out the door because the space is just too small for him:The shredded towels are courtesy of the Bean--does anyone else go through multiple towels in a week? I thought we'd outgrow this destruction, but no sign yet that either pup is losing interest in shredding their bedding. Oh and please note Marshal brought one of the kongs into the crate with him, for safe keeping--it's that red blob next to his head.

So why is he in her crate? I tried to get him to come out at bed time--no luck. He did stand up, hunched over because he's taller than the crate, but instead of coming out he turned around and lay back down on his other side (see below).

Did he overdo it in this first day of increased freedom? I watched him carefully for signs of stress or pain, but other than his usual slow to rise (and sleeping in a too small space), he has not exhibited any signs of discomfort.

A bit after going to bed myself, I got up and lured him out of the crate with food. I left the crate door open, and the bedroom door open, in case he wanted to return to the small space, but herded him into the doggie bed in the bedroom. Every time I checked on him throughout the night he was still in the doggie bed. I think it will remain a mystery why Big Boy chose to spend so much sleeping time in Paisle's tiny crate.

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