Thursday, October 30, 2008

Beannie's Coat

Dear Everett,
I can already tell today I am not going to get to write the blog of the fund raiser. If only writing about the things I want to, ALSO earned a salary!
So instead I took some photos of Paisle in her new coat (cashmere!). Too bad it was 70 degrees today! She was very tolerant, wearing it both inside and outside for me.
There will be many more photos of everyone wearing their coats this winter!
I just love her coat. The blue collar is a demi-collar in that it is only the top half--does not go all the way around her neck. So I can fold it back, giving her more movement when she's wearing a leash. A close-up of the cute detailing--these pieces are the same material as M's coat, so the two match. The deep red piping is also the same as M's, but this rich yummy chocolate color is all Paisle's, and it's cashmere!
Beannie seems to like her coat--or at least she tolerates it. I have never asked her to wear something like this--I think she'll like it much more, once December/January temps arrive! And we finally made it outside, in the coat... Ah, here she is with her boyfriend, Big Boy (Ansel is there too, in the background behind Beannie). Of interest (well, interesting to me at least) is that Beannie's measurements were almost identical to Marshal's. So here are the two pups, side by side. I guess Beannie is so much smaller than M, only because she has short little legs? Her circumference, length from collar to tail, and neck measurements are virtually the same as Marshal's! Oh, and she weighs 25 lbs less than he does. They are both sitting on their respective right hip.
I might ask both of them to wear their coats when we go for our early morning walk tomorrow, so we can see the artistry side by side.
This last photo is super grainy--camera was on the wrong setting--but I have to include it. I have tried and tried and TRIED to capture Paisle's expression, shown here, and not once made a good photo of it. This one is not great, but perhaps gives an idea of how cute the little Bean is, when she's sitting in my lap, as she is here (that is my Levi clad right knee just beyond her shoulder). Right after this photo, she lay down on me and her face was far too close to mine for me to take any more pictures of her. So instead, we lay there in the yard, soaking up the warm fading sunshine, giggling in the late afternoon.

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