Hi Eve,
Boy did I fall off the blog posting bandwagon. I apologize so many days have gone by, without an update!
Marshal had rehab today for the first time since Sat. 9/27 because rehab went on vacation. He didn't have a stellar time in the tank on the treadmill, so he only did 20 minutes, down from 24 min. a week ago Saturday. I brought in his radiographs (all of them) so radiology could take a look at them. The rehab interns did not return with the rads before I left, however, so I'll pick them up as well as learn any comments from the radiologist on Thursday, when we go back for Big Boy's next treatment.
And Ansel was rushed to the Emergency room last night because he had something stuck in his throat. Here is Ansel in the car on the way home from the canine ER:
I've been giving all three dogs the large beef marrow bones I've mentioned a few times; last night Ansel apparently lodged a piece somewhere in his mouth from his bone. He didn't appear to be in great pain, but would sporadically open his mouth as wide as possible and paw at it with both front feet, rolling over in the process. He also licked his chops almost constantly, but didn't wretch or start drooling, nor did he whine. Initially I felt around in his mouth in case I could feel something lodged somewhere--nothing. Using a flashlight, I pried his mouth open and tried looking down his throat, but couldn't see much, and I didn't want to add to his stress. He continued to sporadically paw at his mouth. I grabbed the bone, threw both young pups in their respective crates (without their bones), and the bone, Ansel, and I headed to the emergency room. Somewhere during the drive Ansel stopped pawing at his mouth, but I figured better safe than sorry....
The vet could not find anything. Vet commented on Ansel's broken canine and the ensuing root canal (in 2001, I think) but said the rest of his teeth looked great for his age, and found nothing out of place, swollen, or otherwise altered from a possible bone fragment encounter. Since I'd brought the bone the A dog had been chewing, it was really obvious we were not looking for any large chunk or long fracture from the bone--the bone was almost entirely intact. Vet even commented that when he had his Rottie years ago, he used to give the Rot these same bones because they're so great for heavy chewers. Vet said to keep an eye on Ansel's digestion and if he starts showing signs of distress today, to take him our regular vet. So...we rushed to the after hours vet for no apparent reason. Sigh. But if we'd not gone, and something really bad happened to the goofy dog, I'd feel terrible about it forever.
No great pics of Big Boy at rehab today, but here is Beannie after a day of rain:
Big Boy is confined in his crate while Ansel and Paisle have some play time outside. There are pools of water in the yard, but the sun came out briefly between the raindrops while Paisle stopped to look for the neighbor pooch. The tree appears to be the same color as Beannie because it's soaking wet.
Back to work! Things are so busy right now, but here's to hoping tomorrow is a bit less wet, and full of fun doggy adventures.