Three doggy butts with tails wagging in unison--if only the shooter was skilled enough to obtain all three doggy bodies, including heads, in the shot!
We have passed a major milestone today. Recorded for the first time, Gopher is taller than Ansel. The butts above, from L to R, are Ansel, Paisle, and Gopher. From this angle, it is really hard to see the size difference between this motley crew.
This angle isn't much better, but at least you can see their heads...
So yes, now we know...Gopher will be larger than Ansel. His shoulder is higher and his back is higher also. I tried measuring all three dogs at the shoulder, but it's hard to be even close to accurate without the pooches wiggling away, so I opted not to record the numbers. If I have the opportunity to photograph the two boys standing next to each other at such an angle that shows G is taller than A, I will. Who knew I'd spend so many words, not to mention photos, trying to document such a silly detail.... :-)
(P.S. G went to the vet on Saturday and weighed in at 56.5 lbs, so now he is also only 3.5 lbs lighter than A.)
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