Paisle has found a new toy. Well, perhaps a better statement would be...Paisle has turned the outside water bowl, into a new toy.
It started with the ice cubes. She loves them. The ice cube bowl is stainless steel--larger than the water bowl, and always brings about laughs from the humans and excitement from the pooches as they empty the bowl and throw the ice cubes about the patio. Paisle quickly learned if she tips the bowl, the cubes spread out much faster. She THEN learned that she can nose the bowl around the patio, and flip it over!
I shot my first video on the camera, of Paisle pushing the ice cube bowl around the yard. She yips at it, when she cannot get her teeth under the lip to turn it right side up, or to toss it behind her. I laughed so hard I cried, watching her entertain herself.
Exit the ice cube bowl, and enter the clever mind of the Little Bean. In no time at all, Paisle realized the water bowl outside can ALSO be tossed about the yard! She's now become an expert in emptying the full bowl, shoving it into the yard, and pushing/pulling/clawing it all over the place to her delight. Yesterday she managed to shove it under the patio, out of reach. She spent about 30 minutes trying to figure out how to squeeze herself under there, to extract it. I finally fished it out with a pole, but now I know how to occupy her for long periods of time--flip the water bowl upside down and shove it under the patio! Oh, the endless entertainment....Can you see the water about to splash out of the bowl here? She has just given the bowl a shove--one of her first moves, to flip it over and start the game....
P.S. She now weighs 43.3 lbs, as of Saturday 6/28/08! And in a few days she'll turn 7 months. I am holding out hope that she'll break 60 lbs as a healthy athletic pup....Ansel still towers over her, however.
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