And here's the table. Nina made two quiches with her farm fresh eggs--ham and cheddar in one, and spinach, mushrooms, and onion in the other. I made a spinach salad with a raspberry vinagrette dressing, goat cheese, etc. Dad wanted fresh croissant, so the Artisan bread didn't make the table, but you can see the bread basket here in the photo. Koren (who is still in NYC but will hopefully be home for July 4th) made that basket many years ago, with ebony hook and eye for handles. (For those of you reading this who know my last name, this is just one example of Koren's innovations while in the shop.)
It was a short gathering, but a fun one.
After cleaning up Dad went back to painting the doors between the garages--Nantucket blue of course. Mr. Wills was home so I went over to say hello and check out some of his antiques. And then the pup and I headed for home. There is a lot of clean up in our neighborhood as we had strong winds topple some trees and bring down some large limbs last night.
As always, wishing you were here.
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